24 May 2009


This is the 4th update this morning, If you missed the others you may want to scroll down to catch up.

Latest news is that the convoy members are again passed the 1st checkpoint and now back inside the compound where passports are checked and cleared. This may take some time to get all passports cleared, or it could go quickly, just no telling at this point. Once they are cleared they will go through the final checkpoint into Gaza.

Update on the Doctors who joined the convoy (see earlier posts below) The Egyptians are claiming security reasons for not allowing them passage. The "hope" convoy will continue to do what it can to help them move forward but there are no guarantees to the outcome.

I'm using spell check today as I am exhausted and had not much sleep for the last few days like the convoy team, But they are running on excitement now as they are so close to Gaza. Me, on the other hand, I am running on many of cups of tea and spell check LOL, So if I post anything that needs clarification, or anyone has a question I may be able to answer, just post a comment and I'll give it a go, or see what I can find out in my next phonecall.

more as I get them