01 July 2009

"We're Not Racists" Really, We're Not........

Oh, seriously, where to begin.............

Israel takes a page from the American South in 1950.

So called (self labelled) "Liberal" Jews in Israel, have just been smacked in the face with a healthy dose of racist reality. Anyhow these Racists are all a dither that a Palestinian couple has been allowed (by the court no less!) to move into their "special" (Jews Only) neighbourhood. And now, like ALL racists, they are worried that their little world may change and become inclusive. Gasp! Horror! Why is it that racists never realise they are being racists? It's just the strangest thing. So let’s play a little game of “Spot the Racism”
"The label upsets me," South Africa-born lawyer Michael Zetler, who founded the Misgav community of Manof in 1980 with other immigrants from what was then an apartheid state, said Thursday. "It hurt me. I am not a racist."
(Right, and the Pope's not Catholic either. Awe, he must really miss the old days in South Africa, and most likely moved to Israel so he could be around "His Own Racist Kind" after Black South Africans got their freedom. Bet he didn't participate in The Truth and Reconciliation Commission LOL, probably ran screaming from it, directly to the most racist state in existence.....Israel the Apartheid State that plans to fully remain that way.)
the panic is related to the High Court of Justice's ruling two years ago that upheld the right of Ahmed and Fahina Zubeidat, an Israeli Arab couple, to buy a house in the exclusively Jewish community of Rakefet notwithstanding the local admissions committee's objection.

Since then, some residents of Jewish communal settlements in the Galilee fear that the region's substantial Arab population might seek to buy property in their communities, where the standard of living is far higher, causing Jews to move out.
(Oh Dear God, and they claim they are not racists? That entire statement is filled with racism just oozing out in every sentence. Firstly the irrational fear of someone “different” living next to you…..RACIST… Secondly, the Neanderthal belief that they, the Jews, are far better, with a higher standard of living…………RACIST)
"When we decided to move to Manof, we sought a community that chose similar basic principles to our own, such as good education for children, culture, celebrating a Jewish communal lifestyle and protecting the environment," a woman from Manof said. "We joined this community knowing it is founded on these values."
(That's "Racist Code" there, did you notice it? And the translation is that Palestinians have "No Values" Because only people like this racist Neanderthal Zionist want Good Education for their children, culture, and protecting the environment. Palestinians obviously don’t want that, they instead want shitty education and a shitty home for their families. And the local Zionist Racist Welcoming Committee wants to help them out with that. By pointing out the way to the next shanty town, where they will be welcomed to live in shitty squalor. And one more thing, Jaysus, I just have to say that last excuse about “Protecting the Environment” is just seriously way off the charts wacky. What does this racist pig think fer shit's sake, that Arabs are responsible for Fecking Global Warming? Ignorant Ignoramus.)
"High Court justices don't understand what it's like to live in a small community which was founded with great hardships, a community which is trying to hold on to a certain way of life."

Ok here we go: ” community which was founded with great hardships, a community which is trying to hold on to a certain way of life." (Let’s break that one down, a community that was founded with great hardships means that since its inception they’ve managed to keep Arabs out and create a wholly Zionist “No Go Area” for Arabs. And now their “Certain way of life” is threatened. Translation, “There goes the neighbourhood” RACIST) And finally:
A few weeks ago a ceremony was held in Yuvalim, the largest town in the Misgav bloc, which exemplified its inveterate ties to the state of Israel. The regional council unveiled a promenade in memory of slain Israel Defense Forces soldier Arbel Reich, whose father was among Yuvalim's founders.

"This event was part of the community's narrative, part of its spirit, just like the fact that we educate our children to serve in combat units. That's what it's like here and we're proud of that.

"A resident who wishes to join Yuvalim will have to feel comfortable at such a ceremony, and if not he can go elsewhere, where he wouldn't be offended," he said.
Here's a wacky idea: Lets’ re-gig that last section and think African Americans to illustrate how racist this truly is:

The regional council unveiled a promenade in memory of David Duke, whose father was among the neighbourhoods founders.

"This event was part of the community's narrative, part of its spirit, just like the fact that we educate our children to serve in the KKK. That's what it's like here and we're proud of that.

"A resident who wishes to join our neighbourhood will have to feel comfortable at such a ceremony, and if not he can go elsewhere, where he wouldn't be offended,"
I rest my case; they are ALL Zionist Racist Pigs. Racists hate the fact that unless you are the lead dog the view is always the same; racists don’t want to share their view.



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