THIS is why I'm a Celtic Supporter, they are always on the right side ;o) Palestine "You'll Never Walk Alone"
link CELTIC fans are being asked to wave Palestinian flags during a football match against Israeli team Hapoel Tel Aviv in protest at the invasion of Gaza last year. The controversial call by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) came in advance of the Europa League match next Wednesday, which will be seen by millions of football fans.
The gesture is aimed to cause maximum embarrassment to the Israeli ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, who is travelling from London to attend the game.
Union bosses said the flag-waving move was designed to mark the anniversary of the invasion and the deaths of "1,400 men, women and children". More:
PLANS to stage an anti-Israel protest at Parkhead during Celtic's match against Hapoel Tel-Aviv sparked fury last night. The Scottish Trades Union Congress urged Hoops fans to wave Palestinian flags during the clubs' Europa League game on Wednesday.
They want supporters to show opposition to the Israeli invasion of Gaza a year ago in which 1,400 died.
And Dr Ken Collins, a former president of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, said: "Any attempt to use sport to divide people is completely wrong." (Excuse me? there is just that little matter of the Sports Stadium you Zionists halted in Palestine, it was to be finisihed in THREE weeks, sorry, your bullshit is showing again)
Former Lord Provost and Celtic fan Alex Mosson, 69, said he intends to wear a Palestinian flag at the match. He said: "I fully support this."
Sorry this is my last article,i promise,i just needed to send you this,i just needed.This article definetly explains everything whats going on in palestine since the start till now,ok i know that every normal person knows this but when you read it from someones mouth who is there and exactly knows whats going on its still very shocking.
With this kind of stuff going on and you dont see the way out to the light it realy starts to kill your hope that anything will change.
It makes you feel very depresive.
I'd strongly disagree with the statement from Celtic suggesting that football grounds are not places for political demonstrations. Politics and football supporters go hand in hand, imo...
I'd be nice for my club, Liverpool to do something like that.
I don't know about that though with Benayoun being our best player this season by a country mile. I've always wondered what his thoughts were on the Palestinians...
I hope there are thousands of Palestinian flags waved and the videos of it go viral. Go Celtics!
@ Kenny
Dont you worry there will be thousands, Proser will be humiliated like Olmert was everywhere he went LOL
can't wait for Wednesday
Liverpool is a good club, I support Celtic but I have family in England who are all liverpool supporters, it's all good:)
Irish Government and Media Collude to Carry Out Biggest Crime in Country's History
THE SWINE flu vaccination programme will begin in schools on Monday, the HSE has confirmed.
A spokeswoman said larger schools would be visited first by vaccination teams “to get higher numbers done in the first batches”.
Russian DUMA calls for withdrawing from the WHO
Two more dead from swine flu shots in Germany.
Three Labs Researching How to Make Swine Flu More Lethal, Reports Nature
Two Swiss In Hospital After Getting Swine Flu Vaccine
State Prosecutor Orders Autopsy on Woman's Death After Swine Flu Jab in Germany
And finally we have the destruction of man through copper deficiency, the abomination of desolation.
As a die-hard Celtic fan, I too want to see plenty of Palestinian flags on display all around Celtic Park on Wednesday night. Since many Satanic 'Star of David' flags will brought into the ground by opposition supporters, it is only right and proper that those Celtic fans who have an affinity with the Palestinian people show their solidarity. But not all who support Celtic also support the Palestinian people.
One Celtic supporter who you can absolutely 100% guarantee to complain about other Celtic supporters demonstrating their support for the Palestinian cause is the Celtic chairman, John Reid. This disgusting piece of Communist shite is a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of Israel and all things Jewish.
I remember the shock, dismay and utter disgust I felt in September 2007 when I first heard that this Israel-loving Communist scumbag had been appointed chairman of my beloved Celtic football club. Red Reid is a member of Labour Friends of Israel, and has been for decades. Like many other Celtic supporters, I believe that my club's good image and fine reputation was damaged when the Parkhead power-brokers appointed Reid as chairman. And like many other Celtic supporters, I look forward to the day when the bastard is replaced. This will hopefully be sooner rather than later.
Being a staunch Scottish Nationalist and a supporter of Irish republicanism, it pains me when Rangers visit and an array of Union Jacks are on display. The Union Jack is not my flag since I do not consider myself British. I'm Scottish, a celt. It will pain me even more to see many pentagrams of Rothschild...oops...sorry...'Star of David' flags on display at Celtic Park on Wednesaday night. I am confident that the visiting team from Tel Aviv and their supporters will receive a less-than-friendly welcome to the east end of Glasgow. It's what they deserve.
Come on you Celts!
Get intae them!!!
LOL you cracked me up there with that post a chara. Yea, the wee bastard scumbag John Reid who was over here fuckin about with people in the North for years, that bastard. we know him well.
The SNP are doing well, I can see Sctoland leaving the UK in our lifetime, they're gaining support. I mean why should Scottish people be hading over their money to England and having england drag them into America's wars. I think in our lifetime the so called "UK" will end with Scotland breaking free and the North of Ireland reuniting with the free state. Tha will leave Wales and England LOL
can't wait for the game on WEdnesday Celtic are gonna give me a real hammerin!!
no bother I'm having one of those days too LOL sore head an all ;-)
Aye...sorry about the confusion...I'm not having a good day so far...one of those 'if it can go wrong, it will go wrong' days. As we say in Glasgow: ma heid's nippin'. The Currant Buns being beaten 1-0 by Aberdeen has cheered me up though ):
always good when they get a kickin. And Ireland won the rugby against South Africa today, good all round:)
you away down the pub fer a pint da nite then? Im' thinkin about doin a wee run meself LOL
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