29 March 2009

TAXPAYERS MONEY FASTEST Way to Middle East Peace & Help American Economy at Same Time

Fastest Way to Middle East Peace and America Saves Money to Boot!!

Wow, although I have been saying this for ages, now someone actually wrote an article about this. Why are Americans suffering with job loss and loosing their homes, while the American Government sends 30 Billion of taxpayer’s money to Israel??? Wouldn’t that money be better spent on those who actually LIVE in America and earned that money in the first place? Evidently the penny is now dropping, about time. Imagine what that money could do to help suffering Americans instead of lining the pockets of some foreign country! And Excellent take on this from Paul J. Balles over at redress.

The absurdity of spending US tax dollars on Israel while Americans struggle on

Paul J. Balles argues that if enough ordinary Americans “feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America’s continued unbridled support of Israel’s devastating war machine, Israel could be forced to make peace with the Palestinians”.

The things that are now painfully connected to the recent financial crisis in America include health care costs that people are unable to meet, home foreclosures, job losses, excessive credit debt and loss of pay.

Is it possible that an economic catastrophe in America might have a surprisingly positive effect? An article by Jane Stillwater entitled "Our dual-citizenship Congress” suggested an unforeseen result that could be very good for the whole world.

She writes:

I turned on the television last night and listened to the local news anchor tell me, "The State of California is currently facing bankruptcy." I live in California.

This is not good news. Plus California's jobs are drying up, homes are being foreclosed on, stores are going out of business, schools are laying off teachers, banks are eliminating branches. The eighth-largest economy in the world is about to tank. Boy could we use some financial help from the feds.

Then, after asking, “But will we get it?” she concludes, “Probably not.”

But Congress still continues to enthusiastically pour billions of our taxpayers' dollars into the Israeli economy each year. What's with that?

Do our Congressional representatives hold dual citizenship with the United States and Israel or what? When are they going to stop voting pork for Israel and start voting bailout money for CA?

Are we Californians going to have to start firing Qassam rockets at Washington to get their attention or what?

After getting Jane's permission, I sent her article to my Congressman and cc'd it to everyone I know in California. The next day, I received several comments that echoed Jane’s complaint. Why are we continuing to send US taxpayer money to support Israel’s slaughter of innocents in Gaza while we don’t have enough money to support our own economy?

My daughter wrote, "It infuriates me to think that they are spending our tax $$$ for Israel instead of our own country and state.

How can this possibly have a positive outcome? The economic crisis in both state and federal budgets has already pinched many shoes. Americans are very upset at the damage done to their financial conditions.

If enough people feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America’s continued unbridled support of Israel’s devastating war machine, Israel could be forced to make peace with the Palestinians.

How could that happen? Israel would no longer be able to ignore the Arab peace initiative first proposed in 2002 that offers pan-Arab recognition of Israel in exchange for Israel’s withdrawal from lands captured in 1967. read it all HERE


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