I watched this live and Obama said today in Germany he wants to "rid the world of nuclear weapons" a noble cause, but to Obama I would say this; Good luck with that one! The only way Israel will let go of it's Nuclear Weapons and take it's murdering finger off the button, is if the US pries Israel's cold dead fingers off the big red button. Israel is a threat to world peace. Report below:
Obama wants world without nukes
STRASBOURG, France, April 3 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama Friday in France pledged to work to create a world without nuclear weapons.
Addressing a crowd of roughly 3,000 students in Strasbourg, co-host of NATO's 60th anniversary summit this weekend, Obama warned that "even with the Cold War now over, the spread of nuclear weapons, or the theft of nuclear material, could lead to the extermination of any city on the planet."
Obama added he would, at an EU-U.S. summit Sunday in Prague, "lay out an agenda to seek … a world without nuclear weapons."
The crowd at the sports hall in Strasbourg, made up of students mainly from Germany and France, erupted in cheers and long applause.
Obama's comments came just two days after a meeting with Russian President Alexander Medvedev Wednesday in London; the leaders had announced plans to seek a deal aimed at reducing their Cold War-era nuclear arsenals.