28 April 2009

Israel's Iraq Problem

Stumbled upon this report from Presstv this morning. Truly amazing, the Israeli logic is so flawed it defies the imagination. Firstly Israel is "warmongering" again, no big surprise there. Israel suffers from self imposed paranoia, they are not happy unless they are either planning to murder, or actually in the process of murdering. Ah, but I digress....... Their latest "Zionist Logic" is a comparison of Iran to Iraq as a "reason" to attack Iran. This is what Ehud Barak said; there is "a parallel between Iran's nuclear program and that of Iraq in the Saddam Hussein era and hoped for a similar end to the Iranian program." Now, here's the gaping whole in that paranoid warmongering Zionist logic. Let me remind people that Saddam was being inspected by the UN, nothing was found, he was the most watched dictator in the world. Saddam couldn't "pass wind" without the US knowing it. Yet, what the world witnessed was the US giving "false" evidence (some of which was obtained off an internet site LOL) to invade Iraq. Now, today we all know there were NO weapons of mass destruction, and NO legal reason to invade Iraq. Moreover, the US now will leave the country in turmoil and destruction, with infighting between factions, great work America! THAT, is what Israel wants to do in Iran, invade them for no REAL reason, just because they don't like them, same as the Evil Shrub Bushie, who hates Arabs. (except of course the ones he and his family make millions with in oil) Story below:

As Israel and the US continue on a collision course over Iran, Tel Aviv says it hopes to put an end to Iran's nuclear activities with a "heroic operation".

In an interview with Haaretz, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak drew a parallel between Iran's nuclear program and that of Iraq in the Saddam Hussein era and hoped for a similar end to the Iranian program. source