According to Israel, my father was not my father. Yes, Israel creates new definition of the word "Father" and as a result many of us will today be shocked that our fathers are not really our fathers. The word "father" according to Israel, only signifies a biological sperm donor, or a one night affair, or an absentee biological father, even a rape qualifies one to be a "father" again, according to Israel's bizarro reality. But the real definition of a Father is a man who raises a child, looks out for the child, provides for the child, loves the child and devotes his life to that child.So why would Israel create this "New Definition" of a father? Why to deport an African man who has lived in Israel for 26 years and raised a daughter, that's why. Can't have some Black non-Jew man living there now can we, even though he's been there for 26 years supporting a daughter, contributing to Israel, learned and speaks fluent Hebrew, loves Israel (Well he is obviously a nutter, but still qualifies as a Father....) so check out this story of how racist Israel is:
Ghanaian man forced to leave Israel after 26 yearsSo, the Israeli woman was a tart and slept around, became pregnant and told this guy the baby was his. being a good and decent man he took on his fatherly responsibility very seriously and has remained a good father to her for 22 years. Not his fault the Israeli woman was a liar and a tramp behind his back. But that gives the racist rogue state the ammunition to now deport him, how perfect for them. In fact, if were him, I'd have a DNA test carried out in some other country besides Israel, just in case they cheated the results.More:
Nine days. That's how long Charlie Eskay was given to pack up 26 years of life in Israel before being deported to his native Ghana.
The Interior Ministry has refused Eskay's request to renew his resident status in Israel, and unless it accedes in the next two days, the 49-year-old will be forced to leave his home and daughter behind.
Eskay's story is fit for a soap opera. He came to Israel in 1983 on a student visa, crossing the border from Alexandria, Egypt into Eilat to study marine biology.
He took on a number of temporary jobs to support himself and in the meanwhile met an Israeli woman, with whom he fell in love. Together they parented a daughter, who is now 22.
When their daughter was two years old, Eskay's partner left him to move to central Israel. Although she took their child with her, Eskay remained a committed father, staying in Israel to be close to her.
"I traveled the whole world," Eskay told Haaretz in fluent Hebrew. "One of the reasons I stayed in Israel is for [my daughter]. I am a responsible person. I have had a hard life. I didn't want to be somebody who brings a child into the world only to abandon her. And I loved Israel, too."
After finishing her high school studies in the center, Eskay's daughter moved to Eilat to live with him before beginning her compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces.
Not long after, immigration authorities decided that Eskay was to be deported as his student visa was no longer valid.
He was taken to a detention facility to await expulsion, and while his lawyers argued that he should be permitted to remain in Israel for his daughter, an additional blow was struck: It turned out his daughter was not biologically his own.
Despite the results of the paternity test, Eskay and his daughter petitioned the courts and eventually, their appeal reached the Supreme Court.So, to all you fathers who are not "biological" fathers, according to Israel you are not fathers at all. So, how would he have fared in the USA? check it out HERE. And, for more insight into Israel racism you can read this HERE
In January 2007, Eskay's attorney was notified that the Interior Ministry had agreed to extend his status in Israel for another two years.
Eskay's daughter, who was serving on an IDF base in the south at that time, continued to return home to her father on the weekends.
Two years ago, she moved back to the center of the country after her mother's husband died and her little brother fell severely ill. She now lives with relatives in the center, but remains in close contact with her father.
"Dad supports me financially and emotionally and we see each other every month or two, when he comes to the center," she told Haaretz. She said that Eskay also supports her mother and even relatives to whom he is not related.
Eskay's daughter is still worried that her father will be deported, despite their last-ditch efforts to see his visa renewed. "It's exhausting. This is a crazy country. (I have to agree with that statement!) What does this mean? That when I get married I won't have a father? That my kids won't have a grandfather? The law may be the law, but people have feelings, too."
The Interior Ministry said in a statement that its initial decision to renew Eskay's visa had been based on his paternity, a fact it says has now changed.
"Renewal of Mr. Eskay's residency visa was made on the basis of a number of circumstances, primarily his relationship with his daughter, who in actuality, is not his biological daughter," said the statement. source