Of course, as expected, Israel will be taking him to Sderot in order to parade out the old rusty home made rockets they have treasured and saved for this purpose. In addition a few (Alive and Well) families will be brought forward in order to wail in misery as they view the old rusty rockets. (In sharp contrast to the 1400 DEAD mostly civilians including 400 DEAD children in Gaza) But I digress... The visit to Sderot is to remind Lewis that "Israel is always the victim" Something tells me they are going to have a hard sell, what with Lewis witnessing first hand the contrast of those home made rockets in the pristine Israeli neighbourhoods (on former Palestinian land) to the total genocidal destruction in Palestine. No comparison.
More "irony" on those rockets after this:
British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East Ivan Lewis began a four-day visit to Palestine and Israel on Monday, which will include a tour of the Israeli separation wall in the West Bank city of Qalqiliya.Now about those rockets. I came across this little piece (below) of evidence that supports what I said earlier. Those small homemade old rusty rockets are pure gold to Israel, an actual "thing" they can hold up to the world as their excuse for an attempt at annihilating an entire population who are locked in a fishbowl with no escape. Using white phosphorous and DIME missiles. Well, that argument falls a wee bit short as is noted in the below snippet from an Israeli blog. You see those rockets are sought after "garden ornaments"
Lewis will also visit areas of East Jerusalem where Israel has recently demolished houses and evicted Palestinians from their homes.I believe that it is imperative to come out and see the situation on the ground first-hand,” Lewis said at the start of his visit.
The minister will also visit the southern Israeli town of Sderot to see the effect of projectiles formerly fired from Gaza. (Que the performance of a lifetime)
“The UK has long made our opposition to settlements clear,” he said, “and we press the Israel government at the highest level continually on the importance of fulfilling its roadmap commitments: Israel should freeze all settlement activity, including the natural growth" source
There is something slightly creepy about using Qassam rockets as garden art.(Smell the fear........)MORE:
Turning a murderous instrument with your name on it into a community showpiece is a way of taking ownership of it, laughing at it even. Your rockets don’t scare us. They’re just garden art now. We’re still here. And you keep missing the target.
Zvika did seem to think the rocket parts were a little bit funny. He held them up for my camera with the same good cheer as a fisherman who just caught a seven pound bass.Check out the nice photos HERE and get a load of how tiny they are, great garden art though! And here's more visual eye candy for you,compare this to Gaza. Note: all photos are of real quassam rockets in Israel, the text is added by yours truly:

4th of July celebration gets out of hand in Israel:

Now where did that rocket go, it was here just a minute ago, darn tiny things are so hard to find:

IDF stand guard in effort to thwart any "toe stubbing" of the public:

And this: