Democratic Votes are troubling to Israel. Draft Resolution on Goldstone report passes with clear majority no matter HOW you try to slice it. 26=YES 6=NO 16=ABSTAIN, if you add the abstain and no votes together that's 22, the draft still passes with a Majority. Here is a run down of Israeli reaction to the Draft Resolution passing, for your enjoyment:
Jewish leaders plead with Government over Goldstone Report voteSome things just don't go together, such as this phrase "Israel & Human Rights" It's like oil and water, the two just dont mix well.
British Jews reacted with dismay to the UN Human Rights Council's endorsement of the Goldstone Report, and criticised the Government for abstaining on the vote.
A spokesman for the Board of Deputies for British Jews, which is the main representative body for Jewish people in the United Kingdom, claimed the report was "deeply flawed".
"The Jewish Community has campaigned for decades on the issues of human rights and crimes against humanity.
War crimes report a farce, says IsraelIsrael continued to complain because GASP Arab states actually have a "vote." SHOCK HORROR! Funny how when ALL of the countries get to vote it's "not" democratic, but when the US/Israel gang control a democratic outcome by using a "veto" that IS Democratic....Equality can be so hard for racists and bigots to become accustomed to.
Israel has slammed a resolution by the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsing a report that accuses it of war crimes in the Gaza Strip.
The Human Rights Council has voted to refer the Goldstone report to the UN General Assembly. Twenty-five of the 47 member nations supported the resolution, although six voted against it - including the US - and 16 either abstained or did not vote at all.
ADL: Endorsement of Goldstone report continues UNHRC's anti-Israel bias(The ADL is having a problem adjusting to working outside the US where it cannot bribe and control ALL politicians LOL)
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) blasted on Friday a vote by the UN Human Rights Council.
"Despite the efforts of the United States to fend off adoption by the council of a one-sided resolution, this vote continues the Human Rights Council's unwavering and biased focus on all things related to Israel,"