I don’t want to make peace with the Jews. Because they killed my Mum and Dad. It broke my heart when I saw my Mum and Dad die in front of me. My Mum lost half of her head, my Dad’s brain came out of his head and he was injured everywhere. After that my brother said “Everyone out…let’s leave” I feel like I’m in a cage now that my Mum and Dad aren’t with me. That’s enough, stop………..
4 years ago
fikkrya 29p · 787 weeks ago
I4P 42p · 787 weeks ago
this video is heartbreaking. No child should have to witness suc horror. Israel has no morals
fikkrya 29p · 787 weeks ago
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
Yes this was very paintful to watch,i barely manged to hold my feelings to watch the full film.There are no words to describe this.....
If anyone wants to download the film and watch,here....
fikkrya 29p · 787 weeks ago
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
About the link,no problem.If in some case streams for download doesnt work,although i checked yesterday they work for now,let me know if you dont have time to search on the net,and i will find you another links for download.
Yes,the film is very sad,very tragic,but what is more tragic(which i am getting very hard to accept)is the fact that israelis will get away with this!That fact is the most tragic one,because if they get away with this and looks like they will,in the future they will have open hands from the world powers to comit many more things like this.And obama called them a vibrant democracy,so basicly there is nothing we can do but to punch our heads into the wall in anger every day.....
fikkrya 29p · 787 weeks ago
I just checked and it looks pretty straightforward. It doesn't look to be a torrent which my computer doesn't like much.
I'm sorry to have so little time lately to answer your replies. Just very bogged down at work right now. But I am reading.
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
Regarding this documentary by ross kemp,well the best thing for you to do is to download it using megaupload(you have links there),its in 3 parts,megaupload is prety quick and you dont have to wait after 1 part is over,just continue to next.I personaly downloaded many things from megaupload,never had problems with viruses or other thing....
downloading from megaupload is a very good option if you ask me...
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
stay good Fikkrya
fikkrya 29p · 787 weeks ago
I want to see this one but as I mentioned above, my computer hates the torrent format! I'm going to try to organize a screening with a local AntiWar group to watch it very soon though. I hear great things about it.
You stay good too.
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago
SaladinQB 58p · 787 weeks ago