Note the animated gif below, you are witnessing the worlds tiniest violin playing a sad song for Israel:
Enjoy this: link A UK watchdog has banned an Israeli tourism advert showing the Western Wall, saying it is 'misleading'.
The Advertising Standards Authority said the advert implied East Jerusalem, which has been occupied since 1967, was part of the state of Israel.
The ruling follows another case in 2009 where the ASA criticised Israeli tourist authorities for running an advert on the London Underground which appeared to show Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights as part of Israel.
The ASA ruling said: "Readers were likely to understand that the places featured in the itinerary were all within the state of Israel."
"We understood, however, that the status of the occupied territory of the West Bank was the subject of much international dispute, and because we considered that the ad implied that the part of East Jerusalem featured in the image was part of the state of Israel, we concluded that the ad was likely to mislead."
But the Israel's Ministry of Tourism has refused to accept the ruling.
Surprise!! The law does not apply to the "special" state of Israel. Oh look
here, the Illegal Mayor of the Occupied area says he is "irked" hence the tiniest violin analogy at the beginning of this post, which now bears repeating: