For my friends in Lebanon:

link BEIRUT, April 16 Lebanese residents of a southern border village removed Friday a fence placed by Israeli army inside Lebanese territories.
According to the report, Lebanese MP Kassem Hashem led a number of residents of Abbasiyeh village on the border with Israel to " storm and remove the fence placed by Israeli forces."The residents, amid tight security measures by the Lebanese Army and the UN Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), placed the Lebanese flag on the same spot the Israelis tried to build a fence.
In response, an Israeli armored unit composed of military vehicles, tanks and around 50 soldiers rushed to the scene and took combat positions along the Lebanese border.
"This is a Lebanese territory," Hashem was quoted as saying, vowing the residents will not hesitate to take similar actions.
Lebanon on Monday filed a complaint with the UN Security Council against Israel, accusing it of violating "the international Blue Line and infiltrating into the Lebanese territories" before building the fence.
The Blue Line, which is the line for Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000, now serves as the borderline of the two neighbors and runs through the middle of the al-Ghajar village.