15 April 2010


Moving from "specialness" to "equality" and understanding "Zionist Speak"

This was the dream of Jews in Nazi Germany, of Slaves in America, of Blacks in South Africa….....EQUALITY. Nelson Mandela didn't dream from his jail cell for a "special" state, he dreamed of an EQUAL one! Martin Luther King didn't dream of a "special" America, he dreamed of an EQUAL one! So how is it that African Americans and Black South Africans were capable of moving to Equality, yet Israel and it’s inhabitants cannot make that jump?
Moving from Specialness to Equality: I just read an insane article written by a Zionist, who attempts to put forth a delusional argument against a real recognized Peace Process with Palestine. Instead, he argues for “quietness” rather than “peace.”
Peace will come later. For now, all we need here is relative quiet, rather than grandiose peace plans
The “Status Quo” instead of a “Solution.” This translates into the exact statement that head Racist and Bigot extraordinaire Avigdor Lieberman said many months ago before a visit by George Mitchell:
link "I will tell him (George Mitchell) clearly, there are many conflicts in the world that haven't reached a comprehensive solution and people learned to live with it," Israel's foreign minister says there's no chance of ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for many years.
The delusional thinking continues from the first mentioned article:
Again we see visits by American envoys, serial peacemakers, and again we hear declarations about talks with the Palestinians. They come here, the Mitchells in their expensive dark suits, and giving us a glaring look filled with wisdom and money. They visit our leaders, preach a little, threaten on occasion, yet eventually they always fly back empty-handed.

Every time an Israeli prime minister takes the stage and duly repeats the White House’s dictates, real peace moves further away. Every time a Palestinian leader is being forced into negotiations, the likelihood of renewed violence grows.
Normal people will have a hard time understanding this nonsense because it's "Zionist Speak" and you have to be educated in understanding the language of "Zionist Speak." There is an agenda here folks, along with a slip of the truth about Operation Cast Lead as well:
The last two years have been good for Israeli-Palestinian ties.
Did you get that? The last two years of suffering under siege, starving and being attacked by F-16's using white phosphorous and DIME missiles inflicted onto Palestinians has been good for them AND Israel. See the insanity of "Zionist Speak" in action? Now, about that "agenda" I mentioned:
The regiments under US General Dayton are deployed on the ground, the cooperation with them is reasonable, and for the time being the IDF makes sure to supplement the weaknesses of the other side – that is, to pulverize terror, and mostly the Hamas opposition to Abbas.

So committing an illegal siege on a democratically elected government and ALL of it’s civilian population, followed by a blatant attempt to kill off as many government officials as possible, along with as many police officers and interior security people within Gaza in the hopes of creating an unmanageable situation where society breaks down so that Israel's pet Mr. Abbas, along with his US and Israeli helpers and funders, can step right in and take control. Then Israel can have whatever it wants, including more land and forcing weak US owned Abbas into giving away the Right of Return and Jerusalem for some form of so called "Palestinian State" located in a Palestinain subdivision of Greater Israel. Never mind about democracy, human rights, or illegally plotting to overthrow a government. The agenda all along as been to overthrow a democratically elected government, e.g. Hamas.

Now, no matter what your personal views are on Hamas, they were elected, and elected in an internationally monitored election that George W Bush praised (before he know the results that is) Democracy is a funny wee thing, you never know who people will freely vote for. That’s why there are so many dictators in this world. And given that Hamas’ demands for peace are exactly in line with the (Publicly stated anyway) Americans demands for peace, including a two State solution on the 67 borders. One would think that if Israel and America really wanted to get this going, they’d be forcing the issue of unity among Palestinians and then getting them all to the table for an agreement with Israel based on what America, Fatah and Hamas all claim they want.

So I am left with the question of what constitutes crazy people? A detachment from reality? Seeing things that are not there? Both of these are signs of insanity, derangement and self-disillusionment. For Zionists with regards to the case of nature or nurture, it is not nature, but rather nurture which creates the delusional state of Zionists. It is taught to them at an early age, from birth. First the parents, then the state takes over, this constant drip,drip,drip continues until death. Any deviation from the state sponsored “agenda and message” is immediately dealt with as the pack mentality swings into action and definitely rules in Israel.

Soon any Jew who thinks outside the box is branded as a “self hating Jew” like these people here, here and here and referred to as someone who puts the State of Israel in “danger.” This phrase is meant to conjure up images of the Zionist Holy Grail, aka “The Holocaust.”

But, to be fair to Israel, they are 100% correct here about those “self hating Jews” being a danger to Israel. Although the danger Israel eludes to, they would like you to believe consists of something like an attack, or a threat, or extermination of Jews or the fall of the State of Israel, something of that nature. However, the real danger the truth represents to Israel is not that of bodily harm to Jews, or even the end of the State of Israel itself.

The danger the truth represents to Israel is that should it be told, should it be spread, should it reach the masses outside of Israel, should the giant uber massive Hasbara mission fail, then Israel will not longer be “special” no longer be able to act with impunity using using the “Holocaust” and the now much overused meaningless phrase of “Anti-Semitism” as some magic shield. It would mean that Israel has finally reached the point that those who once lobbied and cried out for a Jewish state dreamed of…………..EQUALITY for the Jewish state among nations of this world. But today Zionists don't want Israel to be Equal among the nations of this world, they instead want it to continue to be "special" deserving of more at the dinner table than anyone else. Once you remove the “specialness” then you move to the area of being Equal instead. Equality is what oppressed people dream of.

This was the dream of Jews in Nazi Germany, of Slaves in America, of Blacks in South Africa….....EQUALITY. Nelson Mandela didn't dream from his jail cell for a "special" state, he dreamed of an EQUAL one! Martin Luther King didn't dream of a "special" America, he dreamed of an EQUAL one! So how is it that African Americans and Black South Africans were capable of moving to Equality, yet Israel and it’s inhabitants cannot make that jump? The answer? Zionism, it breeds lies, terrorism and makes our world unsafe. The sooner the truth about this evil racist perverted offshoot of Judaism is told, the sooner the world becomes a safer place for all of us, not to mention the lives of the 1.5 million Palestinians who live in a 20 mile by 5 mile prison called Gaza.