things are moving fast now
20:56 GMT From the IHH ship...3 boats are coming, not two, 3 israeli boats, we are 78 mile from Israel people here put there life jackets, every body preparing here. We are in international waters
21:02 two israeli ships coming toward us. they contacted the ship and asked who we are and then disappeared, they are getting close to the ship and we can see them
21:11 just heard that the ability to broadcast from the flotilla has been disabled not sure if this is temporary or not
21:14 The Challenger 2 boat has been contacted by IDF Radio and is being approached by the IDF
21:27 Someone just spoke now live to one of the ships. They said they were approached by an Israeli warship who asked the captain to identify themselves.
During the interview the line died!
21:48 boats being told they will be towed to israel or boarded by IDF
22:23 BREAKING, gaza being bombed in the north on the shoreline by Israel, people inside Gaza can hear it. And on the flotilla boats people are in a bit of a panic now as they are 90 miles out in internatinal waters being terrorised by Israel on radio and by military boats. meanwhile another report says israeli navy will use divers and inflatable boats to sneak on board the ships, stay tuned for more.....
00:15 things ahve calmed donw some now, the Zionist pirates are moved back some, the flotilla plans to stay the course but not go closer until daylight. They are currently in international waters 90-100 km off coast, yet rogue Israel threatens them!! hopefully it remains calm until morning ishallah. Anymore news and i will post it here.