Well, you
knew this was going to happen didn't you? Israel will continue to do what it does, in the meantime Palestinians will be under a microscope:
linky link Obama: Israel, Palestinians to be held accountable. President Barack Obama warned on Tuesday that Israel and the Palestinians would be held accountable if either side takes actions that undermine U.S.-mediated talks launched this week, the White House said.
The White House did not elaborate on Obama's warning. But the United States has long-standing concerns about Israeli settlement construction and Palestinian violence.
Obama expects them to help the bulldozers level their own homes, or perhaps help the settlers torch their land or burn their mosque, or stand still as a target so it's easier for the IDF and settlers to shoot them, whilst Israel continues to build build build and everyone looks the other way, including Abbas see
his two cents below:
Though Abbas had backed off on a demand for a full halt to Israeli settlement building on occupied land before any talks, he has spoken of U.S. assurances that Israel will not do anything "provocative" to derail the negotiations
THAT'S the way to stand firm Abbas!! More:
(This means kiss Israel's arse)
The White House said Obama also urged Abbas to "do everything he can to prevent acts of incitement or delegitimization of Israel." (Translation=no criticism or protests allowed!! And the BIG ONE is coming soon, they must "recognise" Israel as a "Jewish" state which means you can kiss goodbye to the right of return!!)
And does anyone else see the absurdity of the next statement?
Abbas is weakened politically by the Islamist group Hamas' control of the Gaza Strip while he only governs in the West Bank.
Hamas won a majority of the vote, including in the West Bank, so why are they not at the table as they clearly represent a majority of Palestinians, the ones who voted for them, not Abbas. As we say here in Ireland, and as Gerry Adams has said many times
"you dont make peace with your friends, you make it with your enemies"
uprootedpalestinians 1p · 774 weeks ago
Aneebaba 42p · 774 weeks ago
I hope that there is no provocation from Hamas, but at the same time, Abbas has cowered down to the US. Indeed, Hamas was elected ,but they are not the group/party the US wanted - so go figure - "have an election, but elect who we want/like, or else this isn't going to work"
Let's see what transpires.
That's an interesting saying your Irish got there :-)