Now,compare to the following tiny minuscule local report, which does not even come up in a search, and as usual, flies totally under the radar because no one gives a shite in the mainstream media. After all, it's only Muslims and they don't matter:
link Worshipers at the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida are offering special prayers this morning after a small explosion and fire at the mosque Monday night.Here Here!!
"There was a lot noise outside," the center's Vice Chairman of the Board Ashraif Shaikh tells WOKV. "They opened the back door and there was fire outside." "worshipers heard a loud noise outside the mosque as preparations were being made for the evening (isha) prayer at about 9:35 p.m."
Tom Francis with JFRD says the arson unit was called to the mosque on the 2300 block of St. Johns Bluff Road around 10 p.m. and immediately discovered obvious signs of foul play, though Francis stopped short of saying what was found behind the Islamic Center, saying only it was "a combustible substance that had no business being here."
CAIR reports early last month a white man in his 40s entered the Islamic Center during prayer services and shouted "stop this blaspheming."
The man was chased away by worshipers, but was reported to say "I will be back."
"A possible bias-motivated attack on a house of worship should be of great concern to Americans of all faiths, and particularly to our nation's religious and political leaders," CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said. "Those who shape public opinion must begin to speak out against the rising level of anti-Muslim sentiment in our society."
Aneebaba 42p · 774 weeks ago
At the same time, what troubles me is that in a nation such as Indonesia, which has the highest Muslim population in the world, churches are being burned. There was a news item on Al Jazeera's YouTube channel, ( that showed a church being burned, as there was some negative comments coming from the Christian population. Yet, this is not excuse to burn a house of God.
The sisters in the video were saying that they shouldn't build a church in a Muslim neighborhood, but that must be hard considered the above fact.
I don't know what the solution is in this case and I don't mean to put down my brothers/sisters in Faith, but I think some sort of understanding should be reached without violence, to lay down some rules that will enhance their relationship and respect each others' Faiths.
As long as there is no effort to attract followers of one Faith to the other, then the right of all to practice how they desire should be granted. As the God states in the Qur'an, "There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256). I mean, I am so thankful that in America, I am allowed to go to Jumu'ah prayers (Friday 'mass') or pray in my home if I wish. Can't the people of Indonesia or Pakistan let their Christian population worship, as long as they are not trying to trick the uneducated Muslims in some manner? I know this was an issue with the controversy in Malaysia and the use of the term "Allah" to be used in churches. It is a sensitive subject for us, and the Govt. was concerned that some uneducated Muslims might be confused by this, so this more understandable.
Anyways, my thoughts. Regardless of who is guilty, destroying any Houses of Worship should be done by truly God-fearing people.
I4P 42p · 774 weeks ago
Aneebaba 42p · 774 weeks ago
PS Thanks for following my blog! So flattering! Your fellow Palestine blogger dannyd also follows and even links to mine (have no idea why, as all the others are Palestinian related). Just to let you know, I have links to yours, Window Into Palestine and Sabah Report on my blog). Keep up the great work!
I4P 42p · 774 weeks ago
Aneebaba 42p · 774 weeks ago