26 April 2009

Isra-HELL Stealing Again, and Again, and Again

In a continuing pissing contest and general SmackDown between the US and Israel. Today Isra-HELL announced it will be expanding it's stolen and Illegal squatter settlement in the West Bank. This on the same day the close down the West Bank and Gaza to force Palestinians to be reminded of Isra-HELL'S independence day, puke!

A special committee in the Israeli Housing Ministry approved a plan on Sunday to expand the illegal West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim by 12,000 dunums (12,000 square meters) in spite of objections from the United States.

The plan would link Ma’ale Adumim, the largest settlement in the West Bank, with the nearby settlement of Qedar, seizing the land in between. This expansion, in addition to another planned expansion to the north of the settlement will further isolate the north of the occupied West Bank from the south.

The proposed expansion would include 6,000 new housing units in between Ma’ale Adumim and Qedar, which is now home to 800 settlers. Some 30,000 people live in Ma’ale Adumim, according to the Israeli government.

In addition to the expansion, Qedar, which was previously linked to the Etzion block of settlements in the southern West Bank, would now be annexed to the Ma’ale Adumim Municipality.

Former Israeli Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert had pushed to include Qedar on the western side of the separation wall, thereby consolidating Israel’s claim to the territory.

Ma'ale Adumim was originally built in 1976 in violation of international law and in defiance of a US monitoring mission that sought to prevent the construction of settlements. link
I say we send all the settlers, along with the Israeli Government on a free trip to Mexico!