Every now and then, Egypt gets something right.

The 24 Brazilians were arrested Wednesday in Cairo by Egyptian authorities because they were allegedly carrying leaflets in Portuguese promoting Israel's Yisrael Beiteinu Party and encouraging Brazilian Jews to immigrate to Israel.
Yisrael Beiteinu, or Israel is Our Home, is the party of Israel's hard-line (Head Racist) Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who onces suggested that Israel threaten to bomb Egypt's Aswan Dam as a means of influencing Egyptian policy.
The Brazilians had just landed in Cairo on an Alitalia flight from Rome. The customs officials searched the travelers' 38 pieces of luggage and found brochures in 10 of the suitcases. Customs informed security forces.
The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is negotiating with Egyptian officials. The tourists' names have not been released and there has been no information about whethet they will be deported, according to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo. linky link
Egyptian authorities have arrested 24 Brazilian tourists upon their arrival in Cairo on suspicion of "spreading (Israeli Foreign Minister) Avigdor Lieberman's radical views."
Lieberman's recent statements have overclouded the relations between Israel and Egypt. The foreign minister did meet with Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman, but his counterpart in Cairo, Ahmed Aboul Gheit declared that he would not shake Lieberman's hand and that the Israeli minister would not set foot on Egyptian soil if he failed to change his views.
In the past, Lieberman called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to "go to hell" if he failed to visit Israel, and recommended bombing the Aswan Dam. linky link