Just noticed this in my email. Sinn Fein calls for International Tribunal for the Prosecution of IDF commanders for inflicting "genocidal" war crimes against the people of Gaza.
Israeli war criminals must be prosecuted-MacLochlainn
Sinn Féin Councillor Gerry MacLochlainn, who recently visited Gaza as part of the European Convoy of Hope, has called for the establishment of an International Tribunal for the prosecution of Israeli Army commanders for genocidal war crimes against the Palestinian people after thirty Israeli soldiers exposed outrageous and criminal targeting of civilians in the Gaza strip during Israel’s invasion in December 2008 and January 2009.
Gerry MacLochlainn said, “This isn’t the first time that soldiers have come forward and exposed the outrageous and criminal activities of the Israeli army. Time and again the Israeli army has been exposed for its human rights abuses yet the international community fails to act."
“Today’s report, from thirty of Israel’s own soldiers, highlights the callous and indiscriminate targeting of Palestinian civilians during the invasion of December 2008 and January 2009. This includes commanders urging soldiers to shoot first and worry later about sorting civilians from combatants."
“This must not be allowed to go unchecked. There must be an international inquiry and we need to see prosecutions of the genocidal war criminals entrenched in the Israeli regime. There must be consequences for the actions of the Israeli Government and its army – and these should include the introduction of economic sanctions against Israel.
“Israel’s practice of conscripting recruits and forcing them to serve in occupied Palestinian territories needs to come to an end along with the policy of locking up conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in the army."
“It is vital that the international community must ensure that soldiers involved in the publication of today’s report are protected from reprisals from the Israeli military.”ENDS