12 June 2009

POLL Israelis Support Settlements

Whilst the headline of this article seems impressive, when you actually look at the numbers I see other things as well. Firstly 56% support the settlements and say Netanyahu should continue settlements. Ok, so that's that. But, 37% think they should stop settlements. That's close to 40% not a small number. Whilst 50% believe that Israel can keep building them with impunity, 32% say it is a "make or break" with the US Administration. Rather then take the gloom and doom of the 56% who support illegal settlements, what I see is that reality is sinking in over time. Let us remember that this poll was taken under an extreme right wing government no less. Meaning that, taking into account any margins of error, we could be within small numbers of a 50-50 divide of support for and against settlement building to continue.

I believe that if Obama continues to push hard as he is doing now, these numbers could change again in the not too distant future. Once the penny drops and they see the writing on the wall, that is. Obama has a lot of leverage at his disposal. I'm not just talking about cutting off funding to the leeches in Israel. Admittedly this would be difficult for Obama due to the AIPAC owned congress and senate. However, secret weapons exist: the US sits on the UN Security Council, Israel does not. For years the US has been the lackey for Israel, voting exactly like Israel wants it to. Imagine if that was up for negotiations..........the mind boggles:)
Most Israelis resist US colony freeze demand: poll

Published: June 12, 2009,

Occupied Jerusalem: A new poll finds that nearly six of every 10 Israelis think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resist US demands to completely freeze construction in Jewish West Bank colonies.

The poll by the Maagar Mohot Polling Institute released the poll Friday. President Barack Obama has said he wants to aggressively pursue Mideast peacemaking, and colony construction historically has been an impediment.

Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said Netanyahu should not consent to the American demand to halt all colony construction, as opposed to 37 percent who said he should. Fifty percent said failure to comply would not provoke a crisis with the US, while 32 percent said they thought the colony freeze was a "make or break" issue for Washington. link